Thursday, June 16, 2016

Spreadsheets and CCSS

I never use the spreadsheets before, but I use the Excel instead of it. I think they are quite similar but I prefer the spreadsheets to Excel since I know how to use the spreadsheet. I think the spreadsheets is much easier for me to master and it has more functions such as  comment, share and spelling check which I like them very much. And when I paste some information and I can choose "paste special" avoiding wrong paste.

When I was using the spreadsheets, I  think the easiest part of it for me to master is to edit. For tit has already laid out the most important function and I can just edit without looking for it. But I still have a question about how to insert the right functions. For example, what is this function”=IF(D3+D$2,100,0)” meaning? How would I learn these function languages? I learnt them before, but it is still hard for me to deal with what is the right function to be used when it is needed.

Here is link about my Chinese class Grade Sheet example  that I would like to share with you.

Spreadsheets and CCSS

As Graham has written in his book, Google Spreadsheets primary focus on Math, but other subject will be used as well. In our daily life, we all have to deal with data, like shopping recipes,tips and tax, and use the Spreadsheets to teach students is a good to tool for students to "explore the mathematical concepts and models." 
1.Data and Graphs 
In a traditional way, when a teacher try to teach students to collect data and draw a graph according to the collective data, and  it takes time to explain and draw the graphs. But it will be easier if teacher already made a Spreadsheet and ask students to fill out the sheet, it not only saves time, but also helps students to observe the data changes resulting in graphs changing. 
Furthermore, you can use the "scrips" function  as a self-check and It helps students to know if they are right or wrong. 
2.Number Expressions
In the CCSS, Expressions and Equations Eighth Grade requires "perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation." In the Google Spreadsheets, the" Number "displayed many numbers in different expressions. Students will learn from it to explore how to express numbers in different expressions.
3. Behavior Chats
The teachers usually will use the Behavior chart to record students' behaviors but how to deal with these data, the Spreadsheets provide a way. When you show the clear report including data and graphs, the students will learn form it and understand their behavior with the data.

There are many functions in Google spreadsheets will help students to learn to understand
 data, analyze data and use data to make a right decision. 


  1. The formula =IF(D3=D$2,100,0) means If the value in D3 equals the value in D2, then put 100, otherwise put 0. The $ in front of the 2 indicates that the 2 must remain constant when one fills down. (Otherwise the fill down would use one row higher than the current row, instead of matching to the Answer Key in row 2.

    Does that help?
