In the Graham’s book, he listed some Form application examples;
”Self-grading students quiz;Student survey for use in data collection;
Begin survey for the year student information form( collect interests,phone numbers,addresses, and other information that may help the teacher);
Faculty meeting sign-in form;
Discipline form that automatically e-mail parents,team teacher,and principal.”
Google Form has a wide application in the school and classroom and I want to share which I will use in my future class.
1.Students collect data for projects.
According to the standards, student will “present information, findings and supporting evidence.” In my Chinese class, I may ask my students to do a project as teamwork, for example to research a city in China, in this project, they need to collect many data from books,Internet or others and use Form also help them to gather the real information from peers, parents and communities to make decisions and form presentation about the topic.
After they collect data, click the “SEE RESPONSE” to view the response to the form and it will automatically creates simple charts and graphs. It is easy to use, even for the elementary students, creating the results without learning the complicated spreadsheets commandments.In the CCSS Mathematical Prentice Standard 5 “calls for students to use the appropriate tools wisely.Instead of use the Spreadsheets to full out the data, use the Form to automatically create the spreadsheet response will be a wise choice.
2.Collect data concerning students’ performance
In the Graham’s book, he gives some examples that teachers had used the Form to track students’ performance and shared with parents and other teachers. Instead of filling out form of Spreadsheets, the teacher created the Google form to collect students’ progress and the data are automatically populating a Google Spreadsheet, where they are kept safe and ready for interview.”The spreadsheet is safe and data are secure because unless, unless told otherwise,forms do not let participants see the result.” (Graham’s book, p125) It is important to keep the students’ performance safe and The Form can make that happen.
The Form are beneficial for both teachers and students and make the data easier to collect and analyze. When I use the Form, the easiest part for me to master is edit the question to the Form.What you need to do is type the questions then choose the question types. But the difficult part for me to handle is how to analyze the data from the Spreadsheets Response. However, the good part of the Form is that it will create Graph automatically in the RESPONSE.You can analyze these data if you do not want to use the Spreadsheets.
When I was creating the self scoring features for Forms, I was considering how will I use in the future. I might use the Forms to collect data rather than take it as a quiz for elementary school students. As for the middle school or high school students, I think use the Forms as a quiz or test will save much time to analyze their performance.
In a word, Google Form is a helpful tool for anyone who needs to collect data and analyze data.
Very nice!